Gherkin Chicken Soup


Mirepoix: yellow onion, bell pepper, carrot. Chicken thighs, mushroom, asparagus, potato, okra, carrot, basil, rosemary, Bengal masala, curry sauce, gherkin mustard, manicotta, ricotta, milk, paprika, vinegar, sugar.

The gherkins were right up front in Martin’s concoction. Let’s say “tamed tartness”.

Honey Mustard and Ginger Chicken Noodle Soup


Mirepoix: yellow onion, red bell pepper, celery. Chicken thigh, freshly grated ginger, corn, mini-elbow macaroni, milk, honey mustard, parsley.

“Any administration foolish enough to call ketchup a vegetable cannot be expected to cut the honey mustard.” John Glenn, misquoted.